Waltzing With Bears

From "The Swiss Bound Seniors Present: Songs for Girl Scouts to Live By" - Cadette Troop 444

I went to his room in the middle of the night.
I crept to his side and I turned on the light,
But to my surprise there was no one in sight,
Cause my Uncle Walter goes waltzing at night!

He goes wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-waltzing with bears.
Raggy bears, baggy bears, shaggy bears, too.
There's nothing on earth Uncle Walter won't do
So he can go waltzing, wa-wa-wa-waltzing, wa-wa-wa-waltzing, a-waltzing with bears!

We bought Uncle Walter a new coat to wear,
But when he came home it was covered in hair,
And lately we've noticed several new tears,
I'm sure Uncle Walter goes waltzing with bears!


We told Uncle Walter that he should be good, And do all the things we said that he should, But I know that he'd rather be out in the woods, I'm afraid we'll loose Uncle Walter for good!


We begged and we pleaded, Oh please won't you stay,
And managed to keep him home for a day,
But the bears all barged in and they took him away,
Now he's dancing with pandas, and he can't understand us,
and the bears all demand at least one dance a day!
