Beautiful Worth

Words by members of the '85 Worth Ranch Staff.

Sung to the tune of Paul McCartney's "Mull of Kintyrie"

Beautiful Worth,
the Sun rising over Mount Kyle,
The sweet earth,
is filled with the Spirit of beautiful Worth.

Painted Comanches, with faces afire,
Riding on horses, for lands dark and dire,
Indian gods, of fire and of earth,
And they’re part of that Spirit of beautiful Worth.

Conquistadors, crossed o'er the sea,
Bringing their horses and sweet Trinity,
In search of the promise of gold from the earth,
and they’re part of that Spirit of beautiful Worth.

Cattlemen driving their herds o'er the hills,
Past golden meadows and silver windmills,
Riding the range, from moment of birth,
And they’re part of that Spirit of beautiful Worth.

Scouts from all over, have come to this place,
Called by that Spirit, that heavenly Grace,
Gathering now, round campfires of mirth,
And they’re part of that Spirit of beautiful Worth.