You are missing a song. Will you tell me what the lyrics are?
Please try this first. Go to Google or Yahoo and try to look it up yourself. It is really, really, really, easy to do. If you know a few words from the song, type them between quotes (for example: "Six simple simons"). If you try, and are still unable to find the lyrics, then go ahead and write me. I'll do my best to help you out.
Where can I get sheet music for the songs on your site?
I don't know. Try a local music store. I don't have it.
Can you give me legal permission to reprint a song from your site?
Unless noted on the lyrics page, I believe that all songs listed are in the public domain. I do not control the copyrights for any of the songs listed, and therefore, can not give you permission to reprint them.
This web site is for personal enjoyment and educational purposes only. It is not intended for professional use.
Do you know who I should contact to get that permission?
No, Sorry, I have no idea.
Why is there sound on some pages and not on others?
I added MIDI sound files to all the songs where I could find them. I even had a friend of mine sing a few of them. If there is no sound, that means I was unable to locate a sound file for that song.
Why doesn't the sound play on a page that is supposed to have it?
I have added tags that work in all current version of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge and Internet Exporer browsers.
Where can I get these songs on a CD?
Try looking them up on Good Luck.
You are missing a song, will you add it?
Sure, please email me at the address a few line down and I'll add the song to the site.
Why are there ads on a scouting related site? is a fairly popular site and web hosting is costly. I've added advertising to the site so that I can recoup some of the hosting costs.
There is an error on the site. What can I do?
Please send an email to
. I will correct the error as soon as possible.