Many people have contributed to this collection of songs. Most of the songs are Scout Camp standards, but a few have been added which may be new to you.
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed, but that would be impossible. Many of the songs have been sung at Tanah Keeta for so long that no one remembers where they came from. Some are popular in other camps or with scouts everywhere. Recently, I decided the site could provide more benefit to more people if I also included Girl Scout songs.
A few people who have contributed directly or indirectly to this compilation include: Joey Marcum, Jason Jackson, Mark Rothman, Roderick Saunders, Paul Penttila, Mike Peters, Troy Rinks, Bruce Garwood, Joe Evjen, David Williams, Jonathan Adams and Uly Hubbard.
Some Other sources that were used include: the old Tanah Keeta Song Book, the Camp Raven Knob SongBook, the Camp Shands Song Book, the Area One Day Camp School Song Book, and the Official Boy Scout Song Book.
My own contribution was made in the Spirit of Cheerful Service. - Jonathan Glassman